
Misdemeanors Attorney


Misdemeanors are a less serious offense than a felony, but they are still not a charge that should ever be taken lightly. If you are convicted of a misdemeanor, it can have a severe impact on your future and can cause you to suffer from many different challenges. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, including drug possession or DUI, Dalton Criminal Defense has the necessary skills and experience to provide you with the best possible defense.  

Unfortunately, it is a common misconception that a misdemeanor will automatically be expunged from your record because it is not a criminal charge. Although it is possible to have a conviction expunged from your record, it does not automatically happen and there are many convictions that you cannot erase. Instead, you will want to fight the charges before you are convicted, by having Dalton Criminal Defense by your side.  

Misdemeanor vs. Felony
It can be very confusing to understand the charges against you and if you are not sure about the details related to your charge, contact Dalton Criminal Defense so we can review your case, answer your questions and help you to understand if the charge against you is a misdemeanor or a felony. No matter which type of charge has been brought against you, our experienced attorneys will provide you with the best defense possible.   

Misdemeanor Criminal Defense in Chicago
Dalton Criminal Defense has the necessary skills and experience to defend our clients who have been charged with a misdemeanor. Not only will you want an attorney who is aggressive and experienced, but you also want an attorney who is willing to listen and answer any of your questions. Our attorneys are here to get the best possible outcome for our clients.

Contact our Chicago misdemeanor law firm and get a free consultation for your case by calling 847-373-4750.
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